The brownies are in the oven. The corned beef & potatoes are almost done. Tim’s at work, Nick’s at baseball, and Nat is at bell practice. This means something very unusual has happened… the house is QUIET!
It also means I spent some time in the Stamp Cave. Let me show you what's been going on....
This one was fun, mostly because it is so different from my usual style, which is much simpler. I decided I wanted to use lots of products and see what I could come up with. I just kept adding and adding, and it was fun! Every part is stamped, sponged or punched--and sometimes all three! The hummingbird is from one of my new favorite stamp sets--and you'll be able to get it from the Summer Mini Catalog, which will start on May 1. (be patient)
This next project is one I've been thinking about since last summer. One of my friends at work is a Civil War buff. To be more accurate, he's totally into the Battle of Gettysburg. Because he is such a great guy, we (I mean the court employees, law enforcement officers, attorneys, and other involved in the legal system) went together and gave him this special gun last July. I took photos that day, and intended to give them to him... but somehow I just never got it together. This is the scrapbook I came up with.
You might recognize the Flower Fusion tin, and Hodge Podge Hardware. To make it look like this I beat it with a hammer, sponged it with Stazon ink, and did my best to distress it.
On the inside lid and bottom I distressed Chocolate Chip card stock in an effort to make it look leather-like. The photos are printed in sepia tones, and I mounted them on a thin chipboard to give the appearance of cabinet cards.
This is a description of the gun, directly from a soldier's Civil War diary.
This lady was not there when we presented the gun. :) Actually, this photo is from a cabinet card from approximately the 1880's. My mom has it in an old album, and I took it to Spectrum and copied it. I've researched these cabinet cards and this lady in particular on line. I believe she was a snake charmer in a circus, and her name might have been "Miss Uno". Lovely, isn't she? I just added it as a joke--and he kept referring to her as his wife. (I can't imagine Lisa's going to like this comparison!)

The color on those other photos was not good. this is a little more true. I've certainly had fun putting this together. I love scrapping, and when you can do something just a little bit differently, I think it is even better!
It's almost time to head out and get Nick. Thanks for stopping by!
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