Saturday, July 16, 2011

We're back from vacation!

Hello friend!

Yes, we went on vacation to Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina.  WE LOVED IT!  (everything except that 12 hour drive)

Our condo was on the beach.  Only thing that separated us from the ocean was a pool and the sand dunes:

The weather was perfect.

The seafood was wonderful.

Every morning I would wake up and spend about 2 hours on the deck, listening to the ocean as I pieced a quilt top--actually, I'm taking one apart because I just wasn't happy with the way it was put together 18 years ago.  I'll keep you updated because I can't wait to finish it:
The white blocks in between are history....

One night we spotted a doe in the sand dunes.  She was making a great meal of that grass:

At night, the girls and I would go out and walk the beach with flashlights.  We'd find these little guys:

On the beach right behind our condo was a sea turtle nest.  It is all roped off, with a notice that states there is a $100,000 fine if you disturb the nest.  Every morning as I sat on the deck, an official on an ATV would come down the beach and check it.
(Our condo is the second on the right.)

Driving over the causeway to the island, we could "see" our condo, because it was two buildings from the only high rise building on the island--way over there on the west:

But of course the best thing was the ocean:

I've never used our My Digital Studio for more than little things, but I believe I will make a book from our vacation.  If you are not familiar with My Digital Studio, you can go to the web site:  

Tonight I will finally mail my Hostess Club Cards from July on the way to see the new Harry Potter movie!  I can't wait--have you seen it yet?  I desperately want to see the battle between Mrs. Weasley and Bellatrix--and so help me if they messed that part up I will think they messed the whole thing up!  (my apologies to those of you who think I just went a little crazy)

Happy Stamping!

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